Search Results For "gets"
The lies men tell to women |
Men lie. It's a phrase we have all heard before, whether it's from a friend trying to console us following a harsh break-up with who we thought was the man of our dreams, or the discovery of an infidelity. |
Mobiles killing the romance |
Our obsession with technology is compromising our relationships, a new survey has revealed. |
Ulrika Johnson pregnant by fourth father |
TV presenter Ulrika Johnson has announced that she is pregnant with her fourth child. And this will be the fourth man the serial-dater has had a child with. |
A third of Brits lie to partners about finance |
Almost a third of all Brits have lied to their partners about their financial situation, according to a new survey. |
Woman's cheating gets caught on Wii |
A cheating wife has been uncovered via the media of her computer technology game-playing. |
Prenups take on 21st century requirements |
As more and more couples take out prenuptial agreements, in part prompted by high-profile divorces in which couples battle over how much each partner deserves, a new element of such documents has come... |
Money matters |
Along with sex, money is the biggest cause of relationship strife. |
A machine in the bedroom |
Along with sex, money is the biggest cause of relationship strife. |
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