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Search Results For "lines"
Credit crunch acting as marriage counsellor
The credit crunch might be having a negative effect on Britons' finances, but it is helping couples stay together, it has been revealed.
search on: Credit-crunch-acting-as-marriage-counsellor
Stereotypes prevail as traditional gender divides
Men and women expect different things from their partners in a relationship, it has been revealed.
search on: Stereotypes-prevail-traditional-gender-divides-
Duo to give seminar on The Rules of dating
Two controversial dating gurus are headed to the UK to hold seminars on how to get the best man.
search on: Duo-give-seminar-Rules-dating
English men top in chat-up lines
British men are the best at chat-up lines and more likely to win the girl than their American or Aussie counterparts, according to new research.
search on: English-men-top-chat-up-lines
Male romance writer argues 'love is a universal em
People love reading about romance and relationships and the success of Mills and Boon is testament to that fact with a book sold every three seconds in the UK.
search on: Male-romance-writer-argues-love-universal-em
Soap opera love storylines not realistic
Despite claims by programme makers to the contrary, it seems that soap operas are not a true reflection of real life, at least as far as love, and marriage are concerned.
search on: Soap-opera-love-storylines-not-realistic
Single phobia
Single phobia
search on: Single-phobia
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