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Search Results For "popularity"
Honeymoons in the UK rising in popularity
Sometimes brides and grooms can get carried away with the romance of weddings and jetting off to foreign climes for their honeymoons.
search on: Honeymoons-UK-rising-popularity
Men harnessing 'pulling power of puds'
The days of a man inviting you inside after a date for a 'coffee' are over, according to new research, which suggests that puddings are becoming the perfect way to woo women.
search on: Men-harnessing-'pulling-power-puds'
Breakfast dates 'increasing in popularity'
British singletons are looking for more innovative dates in an effort to find love, according to new research.
search on: Breakfast-dates-increasing-popularity
Internet dating 'accepted as best way of finding l
The number of people who take the plunge and join internet dating sites doubles in January and the popularity of such services will only increase this year.
search on: Internet-dating-accepted-way-finding-l
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