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Search Results For "smart"
Curvy women 'have clever babies'
Curvy women are likely to be more intelligent than their slimmer counterparts, new research has indicated.
search on: Curvy-women-'have-clever-babies'
Men 'scared of marrying the wrong person'
Men are steering clear of tying the knot because they are scared of having a bad marriage, according to a new survey.
search on: Men-cared-marrying-wrong-person'
Helena dating rocker?
Helena Christensen is dating Interpol frontman Paul Banks and the couple has been seeing each other secretly for some time.
search on: Helena-dating-rocker?
Trendy ties fashion 'must-haves' for men
Gone are the days when wearing a tie was just a mandatory accessory for the workplace, funerals and weddings.
search on: Trendy-ties-fashion-must-haves-men
Girl's Aloud singer praises 'smart' Superbowl boyf
Girl's Aloud singer Nadine Coyle is keen to show the world that her American football star boyfriend is just a regular guy.
search on: Girls-Aloud-singer-praises-smart-Superbowl-boyf
Tom Cruise has 'very lovely' married life
Tom Cruise has described married life as "very lovely" and has paid tribute to his wife, Katie Holmes.
search on: Tom-Cruise-has-'very-lovely'-married-life
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