Divorcees 'should find love again' |
People who have got divorced should take the plunge and get married again to someone who is a better fit, according to one author. |
Men 'scared of marrying the wrong person' |
Men are steering clear of tying the knot because they are scared of having a bad marriage, according to a new survey. |
Stress 'causing women health problems' |
Stressful lives are playing havoc on women's stomachs and making them feel unattractive and bloated, according to a new survey. |
Fast-paced life a danger to Brits |
The fast-paced nature of British modern life could eventually lead to a meltdown, according to new research. |
Short men 'more likely to be jealous' |
Men who are vertically challenged are more likely to be jealous than those who are more blessed in the height stakes, according to a new scientific report. |
UK a nation of worry warts |
It's official. Britain is a nation of worriers, according to new research released this week. |
Most mums 'feel guilty about working' |
The majority of career women who are also mothers would rather just quit work and look after their families, according to new research. |
Getting married 'cuts Alzheimer's risk' |
People who are married or who have a long-term partner are less likely to suffer from Alzheimer's in old age, according to a new scientific study. |