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Search Results For "41"
Male monkeys 'pay' females for sex
Male monkeys pay their female mates for sex, a new study has revealed.
search on: Male-monkeys-pay-females-sex
Aniston steps out with Sex and the City star
Jennifer Aniston is rumoured to be dating Sex and the City hunk Jason Lewis.
search on: Aniston-steps-Sex-City-star
New Year, new dating chapter
This time of year traditionally brings a boom in online dating activity, as singles seek new prospects for the New Year.
search on: New-Year--new-dating-chapter
Money matters
Along with sex, money is the biggest cause of relationship strife.
search on: Money-matters
Gareth Gates getting hitched
Pop Idol star Gareth Gates is to wed his long-time girlfriend.
search on: Gareth-Gates-getting-hitched
A machine in the bedroom
Along with sex, money is the biggest cause of relationship strife.
search on: A-machine-bedroom
Science challenges gender wisdom
Scientists are shattering popular preconceptions of the differences between the sexes with new research.
search on: Science-challenges-gender-wisdom
Couple who found love through charity receive hono
A couple who found romance through their charity work have been awarded for their services.
search on: Couple-who-found-love-through-charity-receive-hono
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