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Search Results For "Aniston"
Jen "in love" with new boyfriend
Former Friends actress Jennifer Aniston has thrown caution to the wind and revealed that she is in love with her new beau, according to reports.
search on: Jen-
Jessica Simpson 'loves love'
Blonde US pop star Jessica Simpson loves being in love and has dedicated her new album to all the loves in her life.
search on: Jessica-Simpson-'loves-love'
'Beautiful people' in dumpsville
There are a number of dating lessons we can learn from Hollywood's great and good, according to a women's magazine.
search on: 'Beautiful-people'-dumpsville
Men vote for long locks on women
Men find long hair sexiest on a woman, according to new research which sees celebrity hair-dos sported by the likes of Cheryl Cole come out on top.
search on: Men-vote-long-locks-women
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