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Search Results For "act"
Making long-distance love work
While building a relationship can be difficult, as both partners make time for each other in their lives, doing it with miles between you can make it even more of a challenge. Here are some tips for k...
search on: Making-long-distance-love-work
Jolie and Pitt cut out the soppiness
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have admitted in an interview with Marie Claire that they rarely succumb to relationship soppiness and have never said 'I love you' to one another.
search on: Jolie-Pitt-cut-soppiness
Brits getting more spontaneous
Britons are at their most spontaneous, according to a new survey.
search on: Brits-getting-spontaneous
Prince Harry late for important date
Prince Harry recently fell out of his girlfriend's good books after failing to meet her at the airport.
search on: Prince-Harry-late
Clooney starting to swoon
George Clooney seems to have found love with a lucky young lady, Sarah Larson, who won Fear Factor.
search on: Clooney-starting-swoon
Russians to have national 'sex day'
Imagine the government telling the country to take the day off to have sex. Well, that's exactly what's happening in Russia today.
search on: Russians-have-national-ex-day'
Women want weedy guys for long-term love
Women want men who are less manly and more weedy when it comes to finding a partner for marriage, a new survey by the University of Durham has revealed.
search on: Women-want-weedy-guys-long-term-love
Get the girl
Susan Thomas, a dating expert, has given men some pointers to help them bag the girl of their dreams.
search on: Get-girl
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