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Search Results For "feelings"
Women 'feel negative after one-night stands'
The female of the species has not adapted to the concept of the one-night stand, despite the effects of the sexual revolution, according to scientists.
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Coping with the greater stresses of Venus and Mars
His first relationship book achieved a mythical status usually reserved for religious texts and the Harry Potter series and now John Gray has produced a sequel.
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Not my type
A dating expert has been exploring how our personality can shape our relationship.
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The art of arguing
According to a study from the University of Michigan published last week, arguing with your partner can lead to a longer life.
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Humour sets romantic mood, say women
Single girls really do just want to have fun in relationships, according to a new survey.
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Brits having workplace affairs
Britons are spending increasingly long hours at work and socialising even more with their colleagues and this has led to a significant number of workplace crushes, according to a new survey.
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Daniel Craig reveals first kiss angst
Gorgeous James Bond actor Daniel Craig has been revealing all about his very first kiss.
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Want to find true love? Read on...

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