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Search Results For "phone"
Making a success of long-distance
Many couples begin relationships with someone living far from them. Others are separated once their relationship has begun. And it can be difficult to make it work.
search on: Making-success-long-distance
Ads issue dating 'call to arms'
Deodorant brand Lynx has launched a digital advertising campaign that incorporates dating advice for males.
search on: Ads-issue-dating-'call-arms'
End of the road for Marc and Cerys
Singer Cerys Matthews and actor Marc Bannerman will not become the next Jordan and Peter Andre as the jungle pair have split up, according to reports.
search on: End-road-Marc-Cerys
Technology 'drives couples apart'
Modern technology could be driving some couples apart, according to new research.
search on: Technology-drives-couples-apart
Kate Moss to tie the knot
It came as no surprise to her friends, but supermodel Kate Moss has revealed she is to wed her rocker boyfriend Jamie Hince.
search on: Kate-Moss
Love on the Continent
Britons in search of romance are hopping across to the Continent to find it, according to a new study.
search on: Love-Continent
Want to find true love? Read on...

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Modern technology and the dating game
Modern technology is helping modern consumers out in the dating game, according to new research.
search on: Modern-technology-dating-game
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