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Search Results For "set"
Women marrying later and later

According to the Office For National Statistics, the age at which British women marry for the first time has been climbing. Most interestingly, the number getting married for the first time in thei

search on: Women-marrying-later-later
Russell Brand 'considering settling down'
Comedian Russell Brand likes big girls and wants to settle down someday, according to media reports.
search on: Russell-Brand-considering-settling-down
Protective Hugh gives Scarlett his blessing
Sometimes older brothers can be protective towards their little sisters who are making their foray into the dating world.
search on: Protective-Hugh-Scarlett-blessing
Deep-voiced men have more babies
If you have your sights set on a big family, a man with a deep voice might be the ideal partner, a new study has revealed.
search on: Deep-voiced-men-have-more-babies
Anne Robinson to divorce
Anne Robinson, the presenter of hit quiz how the Weakest Link is saying "goodbye" to her husband.
search on: Anne-Robinson-divorce
Man rises to challenge to win love's hand
When Jonathan Horwath decided that he wanted to marry girlfriend Katherine Corner, her family set him a challenge - to run the Great North Run.
search on: Man-rises-challenge-win-love-hand
Today's young women - catch them if you can
Young women today are said to fall into four categories and determining what type of woman you have your eye is can help you decide the ideal date to woo her.
search on: Todays-young-women---catch-them-if-can
Clooney bets he will never marry
According to Hollywood actress Michelle Pfeiffer, George Clooney is so confident he will never marry he is prepared to place on money on it.
search on: Clooney-bets-he-will-never-marry
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