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Search Results For "share"
Unhappily married women stressed for longer
The stress levels of happily married women return to normal quicker than their less-happily married counterparts, according to new research.
search on: Unhappily-married-women-stressed-longer
Getting to know you?
First impressions count and so do first questions.
search on: Getting-know-you?
Speed dating diva-style
She's one of the most eligible single women in the world, but Mariah Carey isn't a fan of traditional dating.
search on: Speed-dating-diva-style
Nottingham 'least romantic city in the UK'
Nottingham has been voted the least likely place in the UK to have a romantic place, a new survey reveals.
search on: Nottingham-'least-romantic-city-UK'
Divorcees 'should find love again'
People who have got divorced should take the plunge and get married again to someone who is a better fit, according to one author.
search on: Divorcees-should-find-love-again
Gay men, straight women 'have similar brains'
The section of the brain responsible for emotion is similar among gay men and straight women, according to a new study.
search on: Gay-men--straight-women-'have-similar-brains'
Bedroom makeovers 'will boost romance'
British couples are being put off getting intimate with their partner because their bedrooms do not have the right ambience, according to experts.
search on: Bedroom-makeovers-will-boost-romance
Not my type
A dating expert has been exploring how our personality can shape our relationship.
search on: Not-type
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