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Search Results For "experience"
Study takes more rounded view of teen sex
A new study has traced the evolution of teenage attitudes to sex.
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Twins unwittingly marry eachother
It sounds like a Grecian myth or a movie plotline too unlikely to ever happen in real life.
search on: Twins-unwittingly-marry-eachother
Do you know the 5 keys to a lasting relationship?

Dating in London? Dating in this beautiful city of ours is hard. Yes there are lots of intelligent, attractive, available men and women out there, but how do yo

search on: Do-know-5-keys-a-lasting-relationship?
Divorcees 'should find love again'
People who have got divorced should take the plunge and get married again to someone who is a better fit, according to one author.
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Women 'feel negative after one-night stands'
The female of the species has not adapted to the concept of the one-night stand, despite the effects of the sexual revolution, according to scientists.
search on: Women-feel-negative-after-one-night-stands
Festivalgoers 'young at heart'
Many might think that Glastonbury and other such summer festivals are events for the young, but new research reveals that the young at heart are descending on the youthful venues.
search on: Festivalgoers-young-heart
Flurry of proposals this leap year
Eight per cent of all singles are planning to pop the question this year, according to new research.
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Not my type
A dating expert has been exploring how our personality can shape our relationship.
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