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Search Results For "road"
No more no-strings holiday romances
No-strings holiday flings are being ruined by social networking sites such as Facebook, according to new research.
search on: No-no-strings-holiday-romances
Singletons embarrassed to go on holiday
One in ten singles do not go on holiday because they are embarrassed about not having an other half.
search on: Singletons-embarrassed-holiday
Sir Paul McCartney 'loves being in love'
When you have gone through a messy divorce, it can take a lot of courage to get back in the dating game.
search on: Sir-Paul-McCartney-'loves-being-love'
Dating online - what to watch out for
When looking for that special someone, it is becoming increasingly popular to hunt for Mr or Ms Right on the internet.
search on: Dating-online---what-watch-out
Overseas nuptials increasingly popular
The impact of the ensuing global financial crisis is being felt by the majority of the UK's population and as a consequence belts are being tightened.
search on: Overseas-nuptials-increasingly-popular
Titanic stars keeps love alive with husband dates
Kate Winslet has shared the secret of her successful marriage with director husband Sam Mendes.
search on: Titanic-stars-keeps-love-alive-with-husband-dates
Jessica Biel's love extends to playing golf
It seems that Jessica Biel really will do anything for love as the Easy Virtue star has decided to take up golf to be closer to boyfriend Justin Timberlake.
search on: Jessica-Biels-love-extends-playing-golf
Eva Longoria the 'gardener' in her marriage
Eva Longoria Parker definitely has an odd way with words as the actress described herself as the "gardener" in her marriage, in a recent interview with America's Glamour magazine.
search on: Eva-Longoria-gardener-marriage
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