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Search Results For "lie"
Infidelity in the virtual world
As the virtual world steps up to a new level with the launch of Second Life which allows people to make a virtual character in their own image and conduct all aspects of life, there is concern about w...
search on: Infidelity-virtual-world
Today's young women - catch them if you can
Young women today are said to fall into four categories and determining what type of woman you have your eye is can help you decide the ideal date to woo her.
search on: Todays-young-women---catch-them-if-can
You may kiss the mini-bride
A Chinese couple are waiting on the Guinness Book of Records to confirm that they are the shortest ever newly-weds.
search on: You-may-kiss-mini-bride
The lies men tell to women
Men lie. It's a phrase we have all heard before, whether it's from a friend trying to console us following a harsh break-up with who we thought was the man of our dreams, or the discovery of an infidelity.
search on: The-lies-men-women
Leonardo back on the market
Teen idol Leonardo DiCaprio has split from girlfriend Bar Rafaeli.
search on: Leonardo-back-market
Arranged marriages to air on British TV
The Asian tradition of arranged marriages will be gracing our screens, as Arrange Me a Marriage comes to BBC2 next month.
search on: Arranged-marriages-air-British-TV
Seven year itch down to five
Married couples are most likely to divorce just before their fifth wedding anniversary, new research has shown.
search on: Seven-year-itch-down-five
Sex ban for Singapore jet's mile high passengers
The virgin flight of Singapore Airlines' new A380 was an exciting time for the passengers on board, but one form of excitement was ruled out.
search on: Sex-ban-Singapore-jet-mile-high-passengers
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