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Search Results For "office"
Divorce rates down but up among older Brits
British couples are more determined to stay together than ever, with new research revealing divorce rates are falling.
search on: Divorce-rates-down-but-among-older-Brits
Trendy ties fashion 'must-haves' for men
Gone are the days when wearing a tie was just a mandatory accessory for the workplace, funerals and weddings.
search on: Trendy-ties-fashion-must-haves-men
Brits not afraid of office relationships
Two-fifths of British office works have intimate relationships with their colleagues, new research claims.
search on: Brits-afraid-office-relationships
Flashy dancers 'most attractive' to women
Well you can tell by the way he works that floor if he's a woman's man, according to new research.
search on: Flashy-dancers-'most-attractive'-women
Alcohol warning for loved-up couples
Married couples are being warned to ensure they are not drinking too much together, according to a new report.
search on: Alcohol-warning-loved-up-couples
Brits 'having sex at work'
One in five UK employees has had sex in the workplace, according to a new study.
search on: Brits-having-sex-work
Finding a partner 'more difficult for overweight w
Overweight women have a harder time finding love in the workplace than their slimmer counterparts.
search on: Finding-a-partner-'more-difficult-overweight-w
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