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Search Results For "still"
The evolution of Valentine's Day
There's nothing like covering all bases.
search on: evolution-Valentines-Day
'Undercover lovers' living in the UK
The UK has a surprisingly high number of romantics as Valentine's Day nears despite prudish rumours, according to online travel and leisure retailer
search on: Undercover-lovers-living-UK
Not tonight dear, I'm watching TV
It has been revealed that 47 per cent of British men would give up sex for six months in exchange for a dream 50-inch plasma television, according to a survey by Comet.
search on: Not-tonight-dear--Im-watching-TV
Love in the classroom
Around 60 per cent of Britons have found love in the classroom, according to a new survey.
search on: Love-classroom
London men lavish women with gifts and treats
London is one of the most romantic cities in the world. Stroll along the Thames, dine out at one of the fantastic eateries or watch one of the West End shows and you're sure to have a good time w...
search on: London-men-lavish-women-with-gifts-treats
People 'finding love later'
Think you've been left on the shelf? Well, fear not. You are normal. A new study has revealed that more people are meeting The One later in life.
search on: People-'finding-love-later'
Technology 'drives couples apart'
Modern technology could be driving some couples apart, according to new research.
search on: Technology-drives-couples-apart
Boys on top when it comes to finances?
Men in the UK still think they are in control of their household's finances, but their women seem to disagree, according to new research.
search on: Boys-top-when-comes-finances?
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