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Search Results For "women"
The Miranda complex: women and their money
The theory that single woman are scaring off men with their success is gaining weight, resulting in a generation of women who feel they must be secretive about their salary.
search on: Miranda-complex:-women-their-money
Today's young women - catch them if you can
Young women today are said to fall into four categories and determining what type of woman you have your eye is can help you decide the ideal date to woo her.
search on: Todays-young-women---catch-them-if-can
What women want
Men have been trying to figure out what it is that women want for centuries, but the release of a new book could help them find the answers.
search on: What-women
Is the end in sight?
A new survey has revealed some tell-tale signs which indicate whether a relationship is on the rocks.
search on: end-sight?
Rules of engagement
Romance isn't dead, it seems.
search on: Rules-engagement
What makes women happy
Men have always had difficulty understanding what women want, but a new survey may help them to deliver the love in their life what it is they most desire, both in the long and short term.
search on: What-makes-women-happy
Friends with benefits - not so straightforward
Many people have got into a casual relationship with a friend, which offers the no-strings-attached physical aspects of a relationship without the commitment and emotional vulnerability of a real relationship.
search on: Friends-benefits---straightforward
The lies men tell to women
Men lie. It's a phrase we have all heard before, whether it's from a friend trying to console us following a harsh break-up with who we thought was the man of our dreams, or the discovery of an infidelity.
search on: The-lies-men-women
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