Stories |
The most reluctant date I had |
I had a number of dates, most of them were with people who did not match with their description and often too desperate to settle down with a half decent man...
But, the most reluctant date I had, who had been forced to join by a close friend is now the most gorgeous person i could ever be with. as cynical as i can be, this site has brought Magic into my life. thank you
Attraction bloomed amongst the missiles hurled!
Yes, i am grateful for the patience and help you've shown me, especially Harjit, and I do want to thank you for my time on here, though for the last four months I've been loth to log on as I, he who I met on here, were getting on so well, and he watched me... counting the times I logged on but often doubt lurks in one's head, this is too easy, too nice, better stay on L&F.
But the amusing thing is when he started msging me, I thought him obnoxious and wouldn't answer him for two weeks after barrages of obnoxious and insulting, though funny emails from him. I was in fact collecting an abuse file to send to you saying get this creep off the site, when attraction bloomed amongst the missiles hurled at me!
So, we're happy, due to your efforts, we'd never have met without you. Thank you, all of you, I hope you all are as happy in your lives as you help others to be. A big smile to you all. And yes, I recommend you to anyone who has a space in their life for someone lovely.
...<<name withheld>> ...just in case the partner is blissfully unaware that his initial efforts weren't appreciated and he visits this page! ;-)
A fortune teller in India mentioned he'd marry a...
I initially heard about this site through a colleague of mine, whom I believe has now proposed to a lady he met through L&F! I didn't give it too much a serious thought though, as my colleague is ten years older than I am, and therefore on the verge of late 30s desperation (I thought).
The reason why I am ending my membership is that I have met a really nice boy through your site, and that although it is early days, and I obviously don't know what the future holds in store, I know that he'd probably get quite upset if he saw that I was still online. (He has already deleted his profile, and was keen to point this out...)
So here's some laughters lined up for your team:
When I kissed him for the first time (on date no. 4!) he asked me if I'd go for a filthy weekend to Paris. After consulting with various female friends whether he was an axe murderer or not, I went. I had a great time. He's now left the country to go study abroad for a year, but managed to tell me that a fortune teller in India had mentioned how he'd marry a woman with a bright face, broad shoulders, with an over-sized ego and of an impulsive nature... Whilst in Paris, he pointed out that I was 'the only girl he knew with broad shoulders...'
I will keep you posted.
...<<name withheld>> ...just in they don't want people to know about the weekend in Paris ! ;-)
This way of meeting people is NOT for me...
I've had a few dates but decided this way of meeting people is not for me. I do like your site however and the efficient way it is run. It'svery friendly as well as user-friendly! I'll stay as a free member for a short time longer if that's ok.
...and some time later we received the following>>>
Incidentally, I signed off Love & Friends with the comment that 'it wasn't for me' before my second date with one of the three guys I met on there in the one month I subscribed for.
We're now going strong and I'm completely smitten! I say to him, I can't believe you had to go on a site to meet someone, and he says the same to me, so it just goes to show that there are many misconceptions about internet dating. So despite my curt au revoirs,
I'm completely indebted to your site for meeting John, and have several friends also now giving it a go.
...will let you know when to buy the hat!!
About a month ago, I met someone through L&F 'in the flesh', We have since spent a lot of time together and this weekend are off to a romantic cottage in the Lake District to celebrate Valentines Day.
I am now a firm believer in Internet dating. Thank You Love & Friends.
...will let you know when to buy the hat!!!!!!
Jools'n'Marie... |
Dear Love and Friends,
I am Marie1 and wish to terminate my membership with you. Last year was such a great year, I met Jools in March "just for a cup" of tea one afternoon and never looked back.
We've just got engaged and are planning to get married in 2003.
Thanks for having just a good website - it's brought me so much happiness. All the best
Hi - I have the username "Jools" and I've met someone really nice via your website so please remove me! If you ever need any "l&f success stories" just ask!
Just a little note to say thank you so much for your brilliant website. I was Marie1 and my husband was Jools. We started emailing in February 2001 and have never looked back. We got married last August and are expecting our baby in September!!!!!
I run my own online dating agency and... |
Finally decided to suspend my membership as am seeing a wonderful man whom I met on here over three months ago.
Incidentally I run my own online dating agency and I want to congratulate you on yours -- I think it is definitely one of the best sites around for us 30/40-something second time rounders.
You have certainly helped me kickstart the most promising relationship I have had in years, thank you!
BlueCat & Max
More Stories |
She was three years below me at school...
I just wanted to say thank you for helping me meet a fantastic woman! As it happens, she was three years below me at school, but we met through your site by pure chance.
Anyway, after three weeks of emailing and phone calls we finally met up at the weekend and instantly clicked. I'd always been quite cynical about this sort of dating, and never really believed the "true stories". However, I am very pleased to be proved wrong! :-)
Thanks again,
...Martyn (meerkats_united)
He turned up with a box of Baci chocolates
Dear Love and Friends team,
I am writing to ask you to put my membership on hold because I have met the loveliest man ever through your website.
We met for the first time on 10 November 2002, when he took me to an Andrea Bocelli concert at Wembley Arena, as we both love opera. He turned up with a box of Baci chocolates (for those who don't know them, it's the ones with a little love note inside) and, at the end of the evening, he gave me an Advent Calendar which had the houses along the Grand Canal in Venice, because I'd told him that Venice was my favourite city in the world... And this was our very first date...
I knew then that this was going to be special, and our relationship has been getting better and better ever since. It's almost like a fairy tale, except that I feel very deeply that it is for real and so does he...
So, thanks for providing a safe place where connections like this can happen and I would like to give other members this piece of advice: if you don't succeed at first, try and try again - as persistence is indeed rewarded!"
I know this sounds hard to believe...
I signed up with the site in early September. I know this sounds hard to believe but the first time I visited the site I found myself returning again and again to the same person's profile, that I added to my favourites.
I swallowed hard, sent her an e-mail, and received a reply almost straight away. After four weeks corresponding (we simply couldn't work out a date to meet in that time, though not through lack of trying) we finally met and it was instant.
I think the act of corresponding over that time had established something that luckily was confirmed when we met. That was a month ago and since then it has just got better and better. Thank you - a great success!
Today we said 'I love you' for the first time.
Sorry to contact you through this but as I deactivated my membership on 9th January I don't know how else to contact you!
I just wanted to let you know that since deactivation me and the person I met through your site have been seeing a lot of each other and getting on incredibly well, and today we said 'I love you' for the first time. I've never known anyone like him before and it's just fantastic.
Well done on having such a brilliant site. Now I know internet dating really works.
Thank you so much.
International Relations
These days people want to meet someone just around the corner. Here are a few stories about people who met someone from further afield ...
| New York Gal...
Dear all- I realize I have never terminated my membership,
even though I haven't needed it for well over a year now. Very, very happily have found 'the one' and life has been moving forward so well that neither of us thought to return to the site and cancel ourselves out.
You couldn't ask for a better success story - we are to each other exactly who we always knew we should be with, and I honestly never would have met him except for here.
This was by far the best dating site I had been to, and the results speak for themselves: first flat together being bought, marriage being planned. Thank you for making two people happy for a lifetime.
Well I wanted to say "Thank you very much" to all of you on that side of the pond who helped me meet a wonderful fella. I guess there is really something to be said for international relations :)
...Msnan, California
Very happily seeing someone I met on your site-we met on 2nd August, went for a week's holiday in Spain together end of August and have met every weekend since! Only complaint-he lives too far away!
...ejane, South Glamorgan
Yes I have met someone through L&F- both of us live outside the U.K. Thanks!
...Vana, India
have made a friend through your database and am now living with him in Greece, so I would like you to remove my profile.
Met a lovely lady thru the site.
Met a lovely lady thru the site. Will let u kno how it goes. Despite my vry shrt words am an ex journo so if u want me to write sthing for you at some point on how great the site is, let me know! Many thanks!!!!
Third Time lucky
I was on the site since July, and during that time I met three people, and it was third time lucky!
We spent a month corresponding and when we finally got to meet - both leading complicated lives, it worked instantly. That was at the beginning of October. So after a month it seems about the right time to let you know that the site obviously works.
Something I thought would never happen to me
Just writing to ask if you would cancel my membership as I have met the most wonderful man - something I thought would never happen to me. It's better than winning the lottery. You've got a fantastic site and I hope you have many, many more success stories.