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I'm 63 and from London, London (Greater) (UK)
I'm looking for a woman
I'm interested in: Romance or Long Term Relationship
[Last logged on : A long time ago]
A good bloke, but an idiot (so his mate says)
I'm Richard's friend and I have to tell you women out there he's an exceptionally decent chap but far too nice for his own good. He doesn't realise that you can say no to a woman and is foolish enough to try to be a gentleman. He's a terrible judge of women and has far too low standards so will someone who is nice with common sense and reasonably goodlooking (he looks perfectly reasonable, plays sport, bright etc but what would I know) please take him in hand, let him be himself and you'll probably have the man or even the husband of your dreams. And I won't need to keep badgering him to find someone decent. Thanks. It's a weight off my mind.

Richard says: I love the theatre, cinema, cycling, walking, badminton and tennis. I am quite witty and well travelled but have a long list of places still to see. I like most types of music. I am a good listener and a strong, warm, caring, friendly and considerate guy I would love to meet someone looking for these qualities who is intelligent with a good sense of humour. I enjoy my career and it keeps me young – teaching 16-19 year olds. I want to meet that special someone to share new adventures and enjoy quiet times with, but am open-minded about who she might be.
Am in danger of getting waffly now, so thanks for reading.
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Basic Info
Marital Status Divorced
Has Children Yes - but not living with me
Would like children? Not sure
Hair Color
Height 5' 9'' (1.75m)
Religion Christian
Smokes No
Dietary Preferences No Restrictions
Star Sign Aries
Orientation Straight
Education Undergraduate Degree
Eye Colour
Body Type Average
Politics None Selected
Drinks Social drinker
Like Animals None Selected
History Degree
Fit and scholarly
Languages Spoken:
French, German
Music Enjoyed:
Blues, Classical, Folk, Hip Hop, Jazz, Pop, Reggae, World Music, 80's music, 90's music, Classical, Pop
Sports and exercise:
Badminton, Squash, Tennis
Interests and activities:
Art, Cooking, Countryside, Crosswords, Eating Out, Friends, Health and Fitness, History, Photography, Theatre, Travel, TV, Walking, I travel whenever I can - favourite places India, Czech Republic, Vietnam and anywhere warm!
Newspapers and magazines:
Guardian, Independent, Telegraph, The Times
Agatha Christie, Muriel Spark, Nick Hornby, Ruth Rendell , Stephen King
Favourite Films:
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Casablanca, Citizen Kane, Jean de Florette, Kind Hearts and Coronets, Les Enfants du Paradis, Psycho
Enjoyable evening out:
Art Gallery, Cinema, Meal, Pub, Wine bar, Musical, Theatre
Favourite Dishes:
A Chinese banquet
Ideal Holiday:
Backpacking in the Himalayas, Driving across the US, Driving slowly around Ireland, Learning to paint in Provence, Lying on a beach in the Caribbean, Safari in Africa, Scuba diving in Thailand
In another life:
Neil Armstrong, an artist, a musician
Affectionate, Adventurous, Aware, Caring, Cautious, Cheerful, Confident, Courageous, Considerate, Friendly, Generous, Humorous, Independent, Intellectual, Loving, Modest, Optimistic, Positive, Reliable, Romantic, Sensitive, Sensual, Sentimental, Serious, Sociable, Strong, Strong willed, Stylish, Thoughtful, Tolerant
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