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Musician and teacher
I'm 66 and from 'Wimbledon' - London
I'm looking for a man
I'm interested in: Romance or Long Term Relationship
[Last logged on : A long time ago]
How Time Flies...
Blimey, another year gone- how did that happen? I really can't believe that another year has disappeared in the same rapid fashion as the last one (five, ten etc).I can honestly say I don't feel older, just a little wiser and more comfortable with who I am and what matters most (easy - family and friends).

I am 56, with a busy and fulfilling career as a musician and teacher. I'm amicably divorced with 2 children, both now living independently..on and off!

I have a real passion for my job and feel priviledged that I've been able to make a (modest) living doing something I enjoy so much. Consequently I spend far too much time at work, something I am currently trying hard to address...not very successfully if truth be told.

When I do make an escape, I enjoy reading, Radio 4, singing (and not just in the bath),gentle walks in the countyside (particularly in Suffolk and near water / sea),swimming and just being with the aforementioned family and friends.

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Basic Info
Marital Status Divorced
Has Children Yes - but not living with me
Would like children? No
Hair Color Changeable
Height 5' 3'' (1.6m)
Religion Christian (Anglican)
Smokes No
Dietary Preferences No Restrictions
Star Sign Taurus
Orientation Straight
Heritage White
Education Prof Quals
Eye Colour Blue
Body Type A little curvy
Politics Centre
Drinks Social drinker
Like Animals No
I trained and performed as a classical trumpeter and singer before finally deciding to concentrate principally on teaching. Passing my own passion for music and music making onto young people (mainly children but plenty of 'young-at-hearts' thrown in too)has become the focus of my busy but rewarding career.
Music and History at A Level. Also loved English and Drama and took part in lots of school productions. Spent 3 years training as a performer at a London music conservatiore and later did additional diploma in Music Therapy, followed by a PGCE in Secondary classroom music.
White British
I have attended church at various points over the years but am not going presently. It's the music that draws me in...
Am intolerant of those who can't be bothered to help themselves. Would like to understand politics in more depth but find it hard to believe or even understand much that's said by most politicians.
Well, the mirror doesn't crack and I take pride in looking as good as possible, bearing in mind I spend a lot of my time leaping around in rehearsals.
Languages Spoken:
Aghhh. Always mean to go to 'refresher' French classes but never seem to have the time.
Musical Instruments played:
Trumpet, Piano, Recorder, Voice, simple chords on guitar. First study trumpeter at music conservatoire. Also sing in and direct choral groups. Music is the centre around which my working and personal life revolves - how lucky am I?!
Music Enjoyed:
Much Choral, Classical,Opera, blues and jazz, folk and 'World' music, Musical Theatre (esp Sondheim). Last few gigs I've attended were The Book of Mormon, The Scottsborough Boys, The 16 and several jazz gigs at the 606. Pop favs would include Motown artists, Stevie W, George Benson, Sting. Fav ( living) Jazz artists include Terence Blanchard, Pat Metheny, Tim Garland, Pete Churchill...
Sports and exercise:
Swimming and walking ( my job is pretty active!). Swim most weeks and did play a lot of tennis although currently resting tennis elbow.
Interests and activities:
Art, Ballet, Concerts, Countryside, Friends, Reading, Singing, Theatre, Walking, I enjoy gentle walks in the country, especially near water. Do love curling up with a good book though!
Animals and Pets:
Hmm, had enough when looking after daughter's psychotic hamster.
Newspapers and magazines:
I rarely buy a paper but would usually choose the Indie or Times. Prefer to take a book.
I always have a book on the go! I've just finished 'By Jack Rozenthal'.Most recent other books include The Goldfinch, And the Mountains Echoed, The Sense of an Ending and The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry.
Favourite Films:
Love old musicals (Gene Kelly, Sinatra, West Side Story etc). Also Lord of the Rings (sorry) as I read all the books as an impressionable teenager and knew I must have been a hobbit in a former life. 'Road to Perdition' is a fantastically moving and disturbing film, as is 'Shawshank Redemption', though neither are ideal for a cosy night in!
Enjoyable evening out:
Art Gallery, Cinema, Meal, Wine bar, Musical, Hmmm. Early evening drink followed by concert - classical, jazz or musical (but nothing by Andrew Lloyd-Webber, please!). If it's to be cinema, the venue should be somewhere really comfortable and classy, like the Electric in Portobello Road. Love fireworks, particularly on a summer evening on the beach at Aldeburgh.
Favourite Dishes:
I eat most things ( except stuff that wobbles, like tripe, oysters or runny eggs). Love Indian and Chinese. My favourite restaurent in Suffolk specialises in fresh seafood.
Ideal Holiday:
Driving slowly around Ireland, Safari in Africa, Worked briefly in Zimbabwe in 1998 and went back to visit friends in 2000, just as the place was disintegrating. Would love to go back to that part of the world as wildlife amazing, as were the people. Just back from a holiday in NZ and a week's work in Brisbane... Enjoy swimming. Would be nice to swim in warm sea (Suffolk, where I spend most
In another life:
If I had more patience, I'd love to have been an archaeologist. If not music and teaching, I think I'd have made a good journalist. Wouldn't mind having another go at 'being me' but with some of the bigger mistakes edited out.
Friends would probably say I need to chill out more often. I like to think I am seen as a loyal friend with a good sense of humour who is reliable and supportive. Not always as patient as I'd like with myself but getting better at dealing with this. I am creative but also like to be very well-prepared and organised, just in case inspiration doesn't strike quickly enough.
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