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Search Results For "Ian"
Dating Scams: An introduction
Being a UK based dating site that has been around for a number of years we have seen how scammers work. At Loveandfriends we spend loads of time and effort blocking scammers from our dating sites so t...
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Divorced men are suddenly such a catch!
48,000 single British women are actively seeking men with a failed marriage behind them.
search on: Divorced-men-are-suddenly-such-a-catch!
Russians to have national 'sex day'
Imagine the government telling the country to take the day off to have sex. Well, that's exactly what's happening in Russia today.
search on: Russians-have-national-ex-day'
Wedding takes step back in time
A couple from Buckinghamshire recently went back to medieval times for their wedding day.
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Sexy soap moments
Erotic soap moments are doing it for couples the nation over. And some sexy clinches have made the history books.
search on: Sexy-soap-moments
Love on the rocks
When soldier Shaun Mancinelli proposed to his girlfriend Llian Randall on an island off the Welsh coast last week, she got more than she bargained for when the couple had to be rescued.
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Man who sold everything on eBay buys a Carribean island and finds new love
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Mario Balotelli slept with Wayne Rooney prostitute 48 hours before declaring his love for his girlfriend
Manchester City ace footballer Mario Balotelli, 21, had a fling with Jennifer Thompson (aka Juicy Jeni') who was famously linked previously to Wayne Rooney. This happened in February 2012, two days be...
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