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Search Results For "Teri"
Relationship maintenance for men
Relationships change over time and whether yours is going well right now, or entering a rocky patch, there are things you can do to help it continue and get stronger.
search on: Relationship-maintenance-men
Rules are there to be broken
To make a relationship work, there are some rules that couples should follow, whether its hiding your feelings to prevent an argument, playing it cool or doing everything you can to please your partner.
search on: Rules-there-broken
Couples taking baby-making holidays
The latest hot travel trend sweeping the nation is procreation holidays.
search on: Couples-taking-baby-making-holidays
Queen and Duke celebrate diamond anniversary
The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh were this week celebrating their diamond wedding anniversary.
search on: Queen-Duke-celebrate-diamond-anniversary
You look fly, son!
Attractive fathers produce attractive sons, in the insect world at least, new research has shown.
search on: You-look-fly--son!
German couples abandoning wedding rings
Many couples in Germany have given up exchanging wedding rings because the country has such a high divorce rate they assume their relationship won't last.
search on: German-couples-abandoning-wedding-rings
Science challenges gender wisdom
Scientists are shattering popular preconceptions of the differences between the sexes with new research.
search on: Science-challenges-gender-wisdom
Couples bound by dinnertime tradition
A new survey has revealed that 80 per cent of men and 89 per cent of women would do nothing saucier than hold hands in a restaurant.
search on: Couples-bound-dinnertime-tradition
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