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Search Results For "workplace"
Trendy ties fashion 'must-haves' for men
Gone are the days when wearing a tie was just a mandatory accessory for the workplace, funerals and weddings.
search on: Trendy-ties-fashion-must-haves-men
Bottle blondes 'more confident'
Blondes really are more confident in the dating game and life in general and really do have more fun, new research reveals.
search on: Bottle-blondes-'more-confident'
Sexist men 'earn more money'
Sexist men are more successful in the workplace and with the ladies, new research reveals.
search on: Sexist-men-'earn-more-money'
Brits 'having sex at work'
One in five UK employees has had sex in the workplace, according to a new study.
search on: Brits-having-sex-work
Finding a partner 'more difficult for overweight w
Overweight women have a harder time finding love in the workplace than their slimmer counterparts.
search on: Finding-a-partner-'more-difficult-overweight-w
Mistletoe kissing a lost art?
With Christmas in full swing, Britons are being urged to bring back the tradition of kissing under the mistletoe.
search on: Mistletoe-kissing-lost-art?
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