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Search Results For "Ever"
Men want beauty, women want wealth
When looking for a partner, women are more likely to choose a man who is wealthy, while men are attracted to women who are attractive.
search on: Men-want-beauty--women-want-wealth
Jolie and Pitt cut out the soppiness
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have admitted in an interview with Marie Claire that they rarely succumb to relationship soppiness and have never said 'I love you' to one another.
search on: Jolie-Pitt-cut-soppiness
Couple take 22 year holiday
A couple from Newark in Nottingham have been enjoying their honeymoon period for 22 years, during which they have lived in a Travelodge motel on the A1.
search on: Couple-take-22-year-holiday
Why spending time together is important
Jeff Herring, a relationship expert, told McClatchy Newspapers why it is important couples makes time for each other and work around the pressures of family and work life.
search on: Why-spending-time-together-important
Dairy farmer's milk carton romance
A dairy farmer from Wales has found love after posting a lonely hearts advert on cartons of milk.
search on: Dairy-farmer-milk-carton-romance
Don't leg-go of my heart
A blushing bride who broke her leg hours before her wedding ceremony refused to take doctors' orders and went through with her big day.
search on: Dont-leg-go-heart
Britain's greenest wedding
The nuptials of two climate change campaigners this weekend is thought to be Britain's most environmentally friendly wedding ever.
search on: Britain-greenest-wedding
Can't take my eyes off you
Whether sizing up a rival or searching for a mate, our attention gets stuck on attractive people, a new study has revealed.
search on: Cant-take-eyes-off
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