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Search Results For "Mr"
New beau for Aniston, or just friends?
Former Friends star Jennifer Aniston has fuelled rumours of a new man in her life, as she was seen eating out in Miami on Friday with rocker John Mayer.
search on: New-beau-Aniston--just-friends?
Weather 'could lead to a frisky holiday'
Warm weather and an abundance of free time will ensure that this May Bank Holiday is the most sexually-active vacation of the year, it has been claimed.
search on: Weather-could-lead-frisky-holiday
Happy couple offer pointers after 65 years of marr
A couple who have been married for 65 years have shared their secrets of success.
search on: Happy-couple-offer-pointers-after-65-years-marr
Women look for The One at 25
Reports of the death of marriage have been greatly exaggerated, according to new research.
search on: Women-look-One-at-25
Couple wed with 58-year age gap
A woman from Argentina has married a man 58 years her junior.
search on: Couple-wed-58-year-age-gap
You may kiss the mini-bride
A Chinese couple are waiting on the Guinness Book of Records to confirm that they are the shortest ever newly-weds.
search on: You-may-kiss-mini-bride
Tattooed man dumped
A man with a giant tattoo of his wife's face on his back has been abandoned for a younger man.
search on: Tattooed-dumped
President Sarkozy to divorce
France's president Nicolas Sarkozy is to divorce from his wife of 11 years, Cecilia.
search on: President-Sarkozy-divorce
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