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Search Results For "beau"
Personality over looks
Men and women really do go for brains over beauty when it comes to finding a mate, according to a relationship expert.
search on: Personality-looks
Do you know the 5 keys to a lasting relationship?

Dating in London? Dating in this beautiful city of ours is hard. Yes there are lots of intelligent, attractive, available men and women out there, but how do yo

search on: Do-know-5-keys-a-lasting-relationship?
Men 'not into cosmetics'
Recent years have hailed the rise of the metrosexual man – the man who looks after his appearance, probably spends more time in the mirror than his girlfriend and spends a lot of money on cosmetic pro...
search on: Men-'not-into-cosmetics'
Loved-up Brits underestimate wedding costs
Brits who are planning their upcoming nuptials have good weather at the top of their wish-list, according to a new survey.
search on: Loved-up-Brits-underestimate-wedding-costs
The body beautiful
A new survey has revealed that gyms are increasingly being viewed as places to scout for potential partners.
search on: The-body-beautiful
Dating Portman made Moby 'hated' by geeks
Music genius Moby became a hated man among his geeky peers after he dated Hollywood beauty Natalie Portman, the star has revealed.
search on: Dating-Portman-made-Moby-hated-geeks
Differences drove Cerys and Marc apart
Cerys Matthews and Marc Bannerman split up because the actor could not deal with the former Catatonia singer being a single mother, she has revealed.
search on: Differences-drove-Cerys-Marc
Uma Thurman is a 'hopeless romantic'
Hollywood actress Uma Thurman is a self-confessed romantic, despite having been divorced twice, according to reports.
search on: Uma-Thurman-a-'hopeless-romantic'
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