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Search Results For "cause"
Separate bank accounts - the key to relationship l
Financial issues are one of the biggest causes of arguments amongst couples, it has been revealed.
search on: Separate-bank-accounts---key-relationship-l
Jessica Simpson gushes over sports-star boyfriend
Singer Jessica Simpson has revealed details of her relationship with American football star Tony Romo, in an interview with Glamour.
search on: Jessica-Simpson-gushes-over-sports-star-boyfriend
Couple to scale mountain, naked
A couple from Bedfordshire have come up with a great way of dating: they climb mountains naked.
search on: Couple-scale-mountain--naked
Partners not spending enough on each other
People are not spending enough on the one they love and could risk losing them if they don't step up their game, according to a new survey by Abbey.
search on: Partners-spending-enough-other
You may kiss the mini-bride
A Chinese couple are waiting on the Guinness Book of Records to confirm that they are the shortest ever newly-weds.
search on: You-may-kiss-mini-bride
Clooney bets he will never marry
According to Hollywood actress Michelle Pfeiffer, George Clooney is so confident he will never marry he is prepared to place on money on it.
search on: Clooney-bets-he-will-never-marry
Bride suing florist for £200,000
Weddings can be a stressful time, so it's important not to sweat the small stuff.
search on: Bride-suing-florist-£200-000
The effect of marriage on sex drive
Getting married reduces a man's testosterone levels, a new study has found.
search on: The-effect-marriage-sex-drive
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