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Search Results For "everything"
Heigl made her move on hubby
Some women may think it's up to the guy to make the first move, but not so for Hollywood actress Katherine Heigl.
search on: Heigl-made-move-hubby
Angelina 'never wanted to fall for Brad'
We all know the dangers of an office romance, but sometimes a girl just can't resist – especially when that colleague is one of the most beautiful men on earth.
search on: Angelina-'never-wanted-fall-Brad'
Most mums 'feel guilty about working'
The majority of career women who are also mothers would rather just quit work and look after their families, according to new research.
search on: Most-mums-feel-guilty-working
'Amazed' is top tune for first wedding dances
Lonestar's soppy ballad Amazed has been crowned the king of wedding songs, according to experts.
search on: 'Amazed'-top-tune-first-wedding-dances
Duffy: I'm happy being single
She may be topping the charts with her tuneful melodies, but Welsh singer Duffy said she is not ready to get into a serious relationship.
search on: Duffy:-I'm-happy-being-single
Paris offers tips to couples hoping to keep love '
The secret of staying in love is to act like a kid, celebrity heiress Paris Hilton has claimed.
search on: Paris-offers-tips-couples-hoping-love-'
Weddings no "magical" formula
So you have found the man or woman of your dreams, had a whirlwind romance and tied the knot in a perfect ceremony.
search on: Weddings-"magical"-formula
Singletons not scrimping on first dates
The UK may be in the grips of a recession but that doesn't mean that everything is all financial doom and gloom.
search on: Singletons-not-scrimping-first-dates
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