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Search Results For "mile"
The 24-hour trip for love
Long distance relationships can be hard to maintain, but one transatlantic couple is proving that they can also be extremely romantic.
search on: The-24-hour-trip-love
Couple buy first date island
A romantic Guernsey couple are now the new managers of the romantic island they had their first date on.
search on: Couple-buy-island
Bride hitches a lift with police to her Big Day
A bride turned up for her wedding in a police car – but she had not been nicked, but rather saved by the Boys in Blue.
search on: Bride-hitches-a-lift-with-police-Big-Day
Rubbish couple go on dream honeymoon
A loved-up couple spent three months in the run-up to their wedding collecting rubbish in order to be able to pay for their honeymoon, according to reports.
search on: Rubbish-couple-go-dream-honeymoon
Love letters straight from the heart
With the advent of email and SMS, traditional written love letters are fast becoming a thing of the past, but not for one man who is on a mission to restore the lost art and make people smile.
search on: Love-letters-straight-from-heart
20 Best Places to Kiss in Ireland
An article in Authentic Ireland lists the 20 best places in Ireland to kiss. Here are our top 12:
search on: 20-Best-Places-Kiss-Ireland
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