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Search Results For "prove"
Personality over looks
Men and women really do go for brains over beauty when it comes to finding a mate, according to a relationship expert.
search on: Personality-looks
Online daters 'need better profiles'
The majority of online daters need to create better profiles in order to attract attention from potential partners, according to experts.
search on: Online-daters-'need-profiles'
Families 'have little influence' on sexual prefere
You might think that your choice of partner is heavily influenced by your friends and family, but new scientific research reveals that social attitudes have little to do with the Mr or Miss Right we c...
search on: Families-have-little-influence-sexual-prefere
High heels good for female sex life
New research has revealed that wearing high heels can do wonders for a woman's sex life.
search on: High-heels-good-female-sex-life
The art of arguing
According to a study from the University of Michigan published last week, arguing with your partner can lead to a longer life.
search on: art-arguing
The price of love
With Valentine's Day on the table, couples are reuniting and singles are perhaps looking, yet the day proves significant for happily married couples as well, with the day proving a big night for ...
search on: The-price-love
Couples agonise over baby names
Giving a child the right name can help them get ahead in life, according to British parents.
search on: Couples-agonise-over-baby-names
Men vain, while women lack self esteem
Men are motivated by vanity when they choose to have cosmetic surgery, while women do it because they have low self-esteem, according to a new study.
search on: Men-vain--while-women-lack-self-esteem
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