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Search Results For "touch"
A loving touch can ease the pain
A loving hug from the man or woman in your life can really take the pain away, according to new research.
search on: A-loving-touch-can-ease-pain
Modern technology and the dating game
Modern technology is helping modern consumers out in the dating game, according to new research.
search on: Modern-technology-dating-game
Men harnessing 'pulling power of puds'
The days of a man inviting you inside after a date for a 'coffee' are over, according to new research, which suggests that puddings are becoming the perfect way to woo women.
search on: Men-harnessing-'pulling-power-puds'
Wartime couple celebrate 60 years together
All's fair in love and war. And one happy couple have found out that even World War II could not ruin their romance.
search on: Wartime-couple-celebrate-60-years-together
No more no-strings holiday romances
No-strings holiday flings are being ruined by social networking sites such as Facebook, according to new research.
search on: No-no-strings-holiday-romances
The One already in your phonebook?
Looking for love? Then you might want to look no further than your mobile phone, according to new research.
search on: The-One-already-your-phonebook?
Ladies say 'no thanks' to foreplay, survey reveals
The art of foreplay is something that has endured much debate over the years, with the general consensus being that ladies like it a lot, while men can pretty much do without it.
search on: Ladies-say-no-thanks-foreplay--survey-reveals
Nicole Kidman's song shyness
Nicole Kidman may be one of the most successful actresses in the world, but she can still get a touch of the performance jitters.
search on: Nicole-Kidman-song-shyness
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