Search Results For "Britons"
Romance on the cards as Met office predicts 'typic |
After last year's floods, Brits will be pleased to know that they can concentrate more on life's pleasures this year as the Met office has forecast a 'typical British summer'. |
Brits healthier and wealthier, but not happier |
Britons today may live longer, have more money and possess more things, but they are no happier than they were 20 years ago, according to new research. |
Love on the Continent |
Britons in search of romance are hopping across to the Continent to find it, according to a new study. |
Silver Surfers finding love online |
You might think that online dating is a pastime of the young, hip and trendy, but new research reveals that an increasing number of pensioners are finding love on the internet. |
Rise in number of 'grey gapers' |
An increasing number of Britons are getting so hacked off with work that they are packing it in and going on holiday, according to new research. |
Britons 'tell porkies' |
Britons will tell all sorts of lies in an effort to make themselves look better in other people's eyes, according to a new survey. |
Watching sunsets 'most romantic' pastime |
Watching a sunset snuggled up to your loved one is the most romantic pastime, according to a survey of British couples. |
Divorce rates down but up among older Brits |
British couples are more determined to stay together than ever, with new research revealing divorce rates are falling. |
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