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Search Results For "Separate"
Women attracted to altruistic men
Women really are holding out for an altruistic hero, according to new scientific research.
search on: Women-attracted-altruistic-men
Karl plays Cupid for Katy Perry


search on: Karl-plays-Cupid-Katy-Perry
Women find pets 'more affectionate' than men
More than half of women believe their pooches or moggies are more affectionate than the men in their lives, according to new research.
search on: Women-find-pets-more-affectionate-men
Ladies say 'no thanks' to foreplay, survey reveals
The art of foreplay is something that has endured much debate over the years, with the general consensus being that ladies like it a lot, while men can pretty much do without it.
search on: Ladies-say-no-thanks-foreplay--survey-reveals
Sienna Miller and Getty 'never split up'
A representative for Sienna Miller has rebuked claims that the British actress split up from her boyfriend Balthazar Getty.
search on: Sienna-Miller-Getty-never-split-up
Oscar winning actress talks of 'gently' falling in
Nicole Kidman has described how she and husband Keith Urban were both "lonely" souls when the pair met two years ago.
search on: Oscar-winning-actress-talks-'gently'-falling
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