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Search Results For "attracted"
Higher-pitched voices during fertile periods make
Men are more attracted to women during their most fertile periods when they speak in a higher pitch, according to a new study.
search on: Higher-pitched-voices-during-fertile-periods-make-
Women attracted to altruistic men
Women really are holding out for an altruistic hero, according to new scientific research.
search on: Women-attracted-altruistic-men
Women attracted to men with deep voices
Women are attracted to deep voices because it signifies a strong and fertile man, according to new research.
search on: Women-attracted-men-with-deep-voices
Black women dating white men
An interesting article over at highlights this increasing phenomenon and has attracted some strong debate as to why this is with over six thousand comments posted.
search on: Black-women-dating-white-men-
The smell of attraction
A study has shown that women react to sweat produced by male sexual activity and that they may even be able to detect if a man is attracted to them by sniffing them.
search on: smell-attraction
Girl's Aloud singer praises 'smart' Superbowl boyf
Girl's Aloud singer Nadine Coyle is keen to show the world that her American football star boyfriend is just a regular guy.
search on: Girls-Aloud-singer-praises-smart-Superbowl-boyf
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