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Search Results For "boyfriend"
Kate Moss to tie the knot
It came as no surprise to her friends, but supermodel Kate Moss has revealed she is to wed her rocker boyfriend Jamie Hince.
search on: Kate-Moss
Sienna discovers 'the joy of text'
British actress Sienna Miller is so loved-up that she is finding it hard being away from her boyfriend Rhys Ifans.
search on: Sienna-discovers-'the-joy-text'
Rihanna denies romance reports
Barbadian pop princess Rihanna has attempted to put rumours to rest about her relationship with fello R'n'B superstar Chris Brown.
search on: Rihanna-denies-romance-reports
South Korean cougars are 'on the rise'
Sex and the City has not just made toyboys popular in the US and the UK - they are becoming increasingly accepted in other parts of the world too.
search on: South-Korean-cougars-are-'on-rise'
Kate Moss planning 'traditional wedding'
She may have travelled all over the world and been hailed as one of the world's most beautiful and glamorous women, but Kate is planning to keep her wedding simple.
search on: Kate-Moss-planning-traditional-wedding
Wedding bells for Scarlett Johansson
Men around the world will be mourning the end of Hollywood starlet Scarlett Johansson's singledom.
search on: Wedding-bells-Scarlett-Johansson
Paris loves London men
US socialite Paris Hilton says she adores British men, while her family is thinking of making a move to the UK.
search on: Paris-loves-London-men
Rihanna says 'friends first' is best in dating gam
Beautiful pop star Rihanna is advising women to become friends with a guy they fancy before they try to bag him.
search on: Rihanna-says-friends-first-dating-gam
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