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Search Results For "divorce"
Woman's cheating gets caught on Wii
A cheating wife has been uncovered via the media of her computer technology game-playing.
search on: Womans-cheating-gets-caught-Wii
Reese rejects Jake's proposal
Reese Witherspoon has reportelyd turned down a proposal of marriage from her boyfriend Jake Gyllenhaal.
search on: Reese-rejects-Jakes-proposal
Couple reunite after 41 years
A couple from Australia have married 41 years after they got a divorce.
search on: Couple-reunite-41-years
No chat in Japanese romance
Japanese couples are failing to communicate.
search on: No-chat-Japanese-romance
It's all about the smile
Women of today are investing in their teeth to win the love of their life.
search on: It-about-smile
Divorce 'damages environment'
Scientists from Michigan State University have made a somewhat bizarre connection between divorce and damage to the planet.
search on: Divorce-'damages-environment'
Prenups take on 21st century requirements
As more and more couples take out prenuptial agreements, in part prompted by high-profile divorces in which couples battle over how much each partner deserves, a new element of such documents has come...
search on: Prenups-take-21st-century-requirements
German couples abandoning wedding rings
Many couples in Germany have given up exchanging wedding rings because the country has such a high divorce rate they assume their relationship won't last.
search on: German-couples-abandoning-wedding-rings
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