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Search Results For "pub"
Longer legs 'are more attractive'
The science behind the attractiveness of longer legs has been explained by researchers from Poland.
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Couple together 50 years after love at first sight
A couple in Oxford who fell in love at first sight are celebrating after 50 years of marriage.
search on: Couple-together-50-years-after-love-sight
More sex means fewer marks
Society is increasingly socially liberal, but the downsides of promiscuity have been highlighted by new research, which suggests that sleeping around leads to poor exam performance.
search on: More-sex-means-fewer-marks
Couples bound by dinnertime tradition
A new survey has revealed that 80 per cent of men and 89 per cent of women would do nothing saucier than hold hands in a restaurant.
search on: Couples-bound-dinnertime-tradition
Marriage 'not always the answer'
Following the publication of a national survey which found that most people do not differentiate between marriage and cohabitation, one relationship expert has been analysing the findings.
search on: Marriage-'not-always-answer'
Cole's case highlights infidelity boom
Girls Aloud singer Cheryl Cole is just the latest victim of a depressingly common scenario.
search on: Coles-case-highlights-infidelity-boom
Women 'turned on' by men's sweaty pits
The smell of men's sweat turns women on, according to a new scientific study.
search on: Women-'turned-on'-by-men-sweaty-pits
Gay men, straight women 'have similar brains'
The section of the brain responsible for emotion is similar among gay men and straight women, according to a new study.
search on: Gay-men--straight-women-'have-similar-brains'
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