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Search Results For "together"
President Sarkozy to divorce
France's president Nicolas Sarkozy is to divorce from his wife of 11 years, Cecilia.
search on: President-Sarkozy-divorce
Married couples missing out on passion
The romantic and sex lives of couples are said to dwindle as soon as they settle down into marriage.
search on: Married-couples-missing-out-passion
The lies men tell to women
Men lie. It's a phrase we have all heard before, whether it's from a friend trying to console us following a harsh break-up with who we thought was the man of our dreams, or the discovery of an infidelity.
search on: The-lies-men-women
200 metre wedding dress
A loved-up man in China commissioned a wedding dress which is 200 metres long for his fiance.
search on: 200-metre-wedding-dress
Breaking out of relationship ruts
Relationships can fall into a rut. Deciding how to deal with a problem and add a fresh spark into your romance can be helped by identifying what type of rut you are in and acting accordingly.
search on: Breaking-out-relationship-ruts
Vorderman back with ex
Carol Vorderman is back with her ex-partner Des Kelly after ten months apart during which they decided they could not live without each other.
search on: Vorderman-back-with-ex
Planning your proposal
Getting the proposal right is something of a worry for men seeking the hand in marriage of their loved one. Here are some tips to ensure you create the perfect moment, from the Star Telegram.
search on: Planning-your-proposal
Couple tie knot for third time lucky
A couple have got married for the third time in 35 years.
search on: Couple-tie-knot-third-time-lucky
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