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Search Results For "understand"
Modern technology and the dating game
Modern technology is helping modern consumers out in the dating game, according to new research.
search on: Modern-technology-dating-game
Northern Irish accents 'sexiest' in the UK
Northern Irish accents are the most attractive in the UK, according to a new poll.
search on: Northern-Irish-accents-exiest'-UK
Men want stable relationships
The majority of men in the UK are ready to get into serious, stable relationships, according to new research.
search on: Men-stable-relationships
Macho men endure pain to save face
British men are so scared of looking like wimps in front of their loved ones that they refuse to go to the doctor, a new survey reveals.
search on: Macho-men-endure-pain-save-face
Break-ups ruin romantic holidays
Relationship break-ups are the number one reason for cancelling holidays, according to a new survey.
search on: Break-ups-ruin-romantic-holidays
Widow finds love again in dance partner
A Welsh widow thought she would never find love again, but was pleasantly surprised when dance classes led her up the aisle.
search on: Widow-finds-love-again-dance-partner
Women feel happy when their husband or partner is upset
New research suggests that women feel happy when they see their husband or partner upset.
search on: Women-feel-happy-when-their-husband-partner-upset
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