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Search Results For "working"
Part time ambassadors wanted

Hi, Mary Balfour here, new LoveandFriends owner & MD of Drawing Down the Moon Matchmaking & Dating Agency.

search on: Part time ambassadors--------
The body beautiful
A new survey has revealed that gyms are increasingly being viewed as places to scout for potential partners.
search on: The-body-beautiful
Divorces linked to social media
Facebook is increasingly seen as a major factor in marriage breakdowns with lawyers now using the site as evidence in divorce proceedings. An online study from a UK website f...
search on: Divorces-linked-social-media
Robbie in dumpsville
The hectic nature of modern working life makes it extremely difficult to keep a relationships healthy. It can feel like you're doing a constant plate balancing act, but sometimes you have to let ...
search on: Robbie-dumpsville
Women 'more web savvy'
Women in the US are now more web-savvy than their male counterparts, according to new research.
search on: Women-more-web-savvy
Ginger Spice dating break dancer?
Spice Girl Geri Halliwell is reported to have found love with one of the dancers from the group's recent sell-out tour.
search on: Ginger-Spice-dating-break-dancer?
Internet relationships 'becoming more popular'
In the age of modern technology, being suspicious of your spouse has taken on a whole new level.
search on: Internet-relationships-'becoming-more-popular'
Couples join forces in the workplace
An increasing number of British couples are also forming business partnerships, according to a new study.
search on: Couples-join-forces-workplace
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