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Search Results For "First"
Orlando adds to Hollywood hotlist of lovers
The hottest young actor to come out of the UK in some time has bagged a Hollywood star, according to reports.
search on: Orlando-adds-Hollywood-hotlist-lovers
Tattooed man dumped
A man with a giant tattoo of his wife's face on his back has been abandoned for a younger man.
search on: Tattooed-dumped
Romantic priorities of the Baby Boomers
The Baby Boomer generation have grown up during a time of change and this has had an impact on what is important to them in relationships, as a new survey by Facts International has revealed.
search on: Romantic-priorities-Baby-Boomers
Love and addiction
Love has a profound effect on the brain and can lead people to have difficulty thinking rationally.
search on: Love-addiction
Rules of engagement
Romance isn't dead, it seems.
search on: Rules-engagement
What makes women happy
Men have always had difficulty understanding what women want, but a new survey may help them to deliver the love in their life what it is they most desire, both in the long and short term.
search on: What-makes-women-happy
Text and romance
Texting has become one of the most popular methods of flirting and research by shows how texts are affecting our love lives and our pockets.
search on: Text-romance
President Sarkozy to divorce
France's president Nicolas Sarkozy is to divorce from his wife of 11 years, Cecilia.
search on: President-Sarkozy-divorce
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