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Search Results For "Long-term"
Holiday flings 'could lead to wedding bells'
People might be cynical of holiday romances, but new research reveals that many lead to long-term love.
search on: Holiday-flings-'could-lead-wedding-bells'
Men want stable relationships
The majority of men in the UK are ready to get into serious, stable relationships, according to new research.
search on: Men-stable-relationships
Do opposites really attract?
While opposites may attract initially, this spark fizzles out and more is needed to maintain a good relationship, according to a new survey.
search on: Do-opposites-really-attract?
Rich men 'more likely to have kids'
Richer men are more likely to have children, according to a new survey, which reveals that women really do want a man who can provide for them.
search on: Rich-men-more-likely-kids
Women attracted to altruistic men
Women really are holding out for an altruistic hero, according to new scientific research.
search on: Women-attracted-altruistic-men
No more no-strings holiday romances
No-strings holiday flings are being ruined by social networking sites such as Facebook, according to new research.
search on: No-no-strings-holiday-romances
Simon Cowell enjoys night out with ex?
X Factor svengali Simon Cowell recently became single after ending a six-year relationship and he has now been spotted out and about with one of his ex partners.
search on: Simon-Cowell-enjoys-night-out-with-ex?
Is Johnny Depp ready to pop the question?
Johnny Depp could finally be ready to tie the knot with long-term girlfriend Venessa Paradis.
search on: Johnny-Depp-ready-pop-question?
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