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Search Results For "Teri"
WLTM a man just like dad
It's official: men marry their mums while women go for men who look like their dads, according to a new study.
search on: WLTM-a-man-just-like-dad
Men happier than women in midlife
Middle-aged women are not as happy as middle-aged men, according to new scientific research.
search on: Men-happier-women-midlife
Fiat 500 voted sexiest car by women
Every woman likes to look good and, according to a new poll, a dinky but iconic Fiat is the car women feel best in.
search on: Fiat-500-voted-sexiest-car-by-women
Shopping 'burns off calories'
The men in their lives may not be happy to hear it, but women are being encouraged to indulge in more retail therapy because it helps them lose weight.
search on: Shopping-burns-off-calories
Men 'more emotional' when buying cars
Men may think they are the world's more rational sex, but new research reveals that when it comes to buying a car men's hearts rule their heads.
search on: Men-'more-emotional'-when-buying-cars
Holiday flings 'could lead to wedding bells'
People might be cynical of holiday romances, but new research reveals that many lead to long-term love.
search on: Holiday-flings-'could-lead-wedding-bells'
Recipe for long-lasting love
Two dinner dates a month, four cuddles a day and a romantic getaway twice a year are just some of the things couples need to have a long-lasting relationship, according to research.
search on: Recipe-long-lasting-love
Eye contact key to a good first date
Keep your eyes peeled on your partner in a first date in order to ensure there is a second one, according to an expert.
search on: Eye-contact-key
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