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Search Results For "bank"
Women suffering from jealousy
An increasing number of women are suffering from the effects of jealousy, the Metro reports.
search on: Women-suffering-jealousy
Shopping 'burns off calories'
The men in their lives may not be happy to hear it, but women are being encouraged to indulge in more retail therapy because it helps them lose weight.
search on: Shopping-burns-off-calories
Couple plan "credit crunch" wedding
The course of true love never did run cheap but a couple from Devon have taken heed of the credit crunch and done their wedding on a shoe-string.
search on: Couple-plan-"credit-crunch"-wedding
Credit crunch acting as marriage counsellor
The credit crunch might be having a negative effect on Britons' finances, but it is helping couples stay together, it has been revealed.
search on: Credit-crunch-acting-as-marriage-counsellor
Most unromantic day of the year revealed
If you tried your luck in the dating game last Wednesday but failed miserably then never fear as new research reveals that August 27th is the least romantic day of the year.
search on: unromantic-day-year-revealed
Trust issues prevent couples from sharing bank acc
A significant number of couples do not have a joint bank account with their other half because they do not trust them, according to new research.
search on: Trust-issues-prevent-couples-from-sharing-bank-acc
Blind dates help top model find romance
Tyra Banks is one of the most beautiful women in the world but it appears the top models still has trouble finding love.
search on: Blind-dates-help-top-model-find-romance
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