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Search Results For "common"
Mistletoe kissing a lost art?
With Christmas in full swing, Britons are being urged to bring back the tradition of kissing under the mistletoe.
search on: Mistletoe-kissing-lost-art?
US actress dating British rock star
Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale and Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin are just two examples of US celebrities falling for the charms of British rock stars.
search on: US-actress-dating-British-rock-star
Eva Longoria the 'gardener' in her marriage
Eva Longoria Parker definitely has an odd way with words as the actress described herself as the "gardener" in her marriage, in a recent interview with America's Glamour magazine.
search on: Eva-Longoria-gardener-marriage
Four Costly Mistakes of Divorcing Women
Recent surveys of divorce lawyers have highlighted four new areas that can cost women when getting divorced:
search on: Four-Costly-Mistakes-Divorcing-Women
Ever wondered why your guy walked out on you?
New Australian website - offers help to people distressed and unhappy in love.
search on: Ever-wondered-why-guy-walked-out-you?
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