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Search Results For "decide"
Couple plan "credit crunch" wedding
The course of true love never did run cheap but a couple from Devon have taken heed of the credit crunch and done their wedding on a shoe-string.
search on: Couple-plan-"credit-crunch"-wedding
Jude Law and Sadie Frost getting back together?
Brit actor Jude Law has sparked rumours that he has rekindled his relationship with ex-wife Sadie Frost after the pair were spotted looking for property together.
search on: Jude-Law-Sadie-Frost-getting-back-together?
Tana Ramsay 'is right to stand by her man'
Following recent allegations that her celebrity chef husband has been having an extra marital affair for the last seven years, Tana Ramsay could easily be forgiven for looking strained.
search on: Tana-Ramsay-is-right-stand-man
The look of love
They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul but new research reveals that we are not using them to get ahead in the dating game.
search on: look-love
Couples reveal romantic break fears
Men, more often than not, are having to foot the bill for romantic getaways, according to new research.
search on: Couples-reveal-romantic-break-fears
US actress dating British rock star
Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale and Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin are just two examples of US celebrities falling for the charms of British rock stars.
search on: US-actress-dating-British-rock-star
Internet dating couple opt for TACO wedding
A couple who met on an internet dating site have tied the knot at American fast food restaurant, Taco Bell.
search on: Internet-dating-couple-opt-TACO-wedding
Love actually does exist
They say that love is rarely as it appears in the movies, but that wasn't the case for one man who decided to create a tailored version of his girlfriend's favourite film.
search on: Love-actually-does-exist
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