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Search Results For "dream"
Want to find true love? Read on...

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Couple wed atop Sydney Harbour Bridge
A daring couple have become the first to tie the knot at the top of the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
search on: Couple-wed-atop-Sydney-Harbour-Bridge
Lucky dates prove popular for weddings
So you have finally found your Mr or Miss Right and you've decided you're going to spend the rest of your lives with each other – now it's time to find that perfect date to tie the knot...
search on: Lucky-dates-prove-popular-weddings
Relationship problems down to genetic flaw?
Having trouble convincing the man of your dreams to marry you? Well, don't blame him. His reluctance to wed could be down to his genes.
search on: Relationship-problems-down-genetic-flaw?
You're 'more attractive than you think'
When you look in the mirror, do you see an unattractive person staring back at you? Well, good news. A beauty expert has said that people are around 20 per cent better-looking than they think they are...
search on: Youre-more-attractive-think
Brits overspending on Big Day
So you've finally found the man or woman of your dreams and are now planning to tie the knot.
search on: Brits-overspending-Big-Day
Duffy: I'm happy being single
She may be topping the charts with her tuneful melodies, but Welsh singer Duffy said she is not ready to get into a serious relationship.
search on: Duffy:-I'm-happy-being-single
Women's not so sweet dreams
Women's nightmares are far scarier than men's and leave a longer lasting impression, according to a new study.
search on: Women-not-so-sweet-dreams
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