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Search Results For "effect"
Weight fluctuates 'according to relationship happi
So you have found your Mr Right and are living happily together in marital bliss, but ladies beware, love could make you pile on the pounds.
search on: Weight-fluctuates-'according-relationship-happi
Pets suffering in break-ups
If you are going through a divorce or separation then spare a thought for your pet, as new research reveals that break-ups can seriously affect them.
search on: Pets-suffering-break-ups
Ladies in Red do it for the boys
When Chris de Burgh sang about his Lady in Red, we thought the colour was just his personal preference.
search on: Ladies-Red-boys
Couples finding it easier to save money
Loved-up couples find it easier to save money than their singleton counterparts, according to new research.
search on: Couples-finding-easier-save-money
Older brothers affect chances of parenthood
Having an older brother can cut the chances of you having children, according to new scientific research.
search on: Older-brothers-affect-chances-parenthood
Scientists carry out study on arguing couples
Tired of rowing with your partner? Well new research reveals arguments could be a thing of the past.
search on: Scientists-carry-study-arguing-couples
Celibacy vows not effective, new research reveals
It seems that taking a vow of celibacy just doesn't work if an American study of almost 1,000 teenagers is anything to go by.
search on: Celibacy-vows-effective--new-research-reveals
Same-Sex Marriage Receives Big Support in Ireland
According to a new Red-C opinion poll 73% of people support same-sex marriage in Ireland.
search on: Same-Sex-Marriage-Receives-Big-Support-Ireland
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