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Search Results For "got"
Women more complex than men
Science has known for centuries that men evolve faster than women, as is evident in the animal kingdom where males of various species have more impressive plumage and features.
search on: Women-more-complex-men
Chanelle and Ziggy call it quits
Big Brother's most up-and-down couple (and that's saying something) have broken off their romance, just a month after becoming engaged.
search on: Chanelle-Ziggy-call-quits
Making cohabiting work
Couples often decide to move in together assuming it will be a fairytale romance, but living on top of each other can bring about some stark realities, so there are important considerations to bear in...
search on: Making-cohabiting-work
Supermarket couples finding love
A supermarket is sending numerous couples up the aisle.
search on: Supermarket-couples-finding-love
Couple reunite after 41 years
A couple from Australia have married 41 years after they got a divorce.
search on: Couple-reunite-41-years
Love at the office party
With the season of office parties upon us, many colleagues are taking the opportunity to spark up a romance with those they have been eyeing over the top of their monitors for the last 12 months.
search on: Love-office-party
Couple stay together from age 11
A couple who are both 22 are celebrating the fact that they have been together half their lives.
search on: Couple-stay-together-age-11
Romantic 'honeymoon' lined up for French president
Speculation is rising over the location of French president Nicolas Sarkozy's honeymoon, despite the fact he may not yet be married.
search on: Romantic-'honeymoon'-lined-up-French-president
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